Several folks asked if I had a decent 10M antenna... This 8 element Yagi does very well! One eagle eyed reader noticed a typo in the T-match rod length in the Note file for my 6 element 15M Yagi (I sure wish YO stored the modelled matching network parameters, instead of having to manually type them into the Note file!). The correct T-match rod length for the 15M 6 element Yagi is 36 inches, not 31 inches. 73 Frank W3LPL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W3LPL 8-Element 10M Yagi 47 ft boom Height 2340.000 28.000 28.400 28.900 28.534 MHz 8 elements, inches 0.8750 0.7500 0.0000 72.0000 33.5000 50.0000 72.0000 25.7500 90.0000 72.0000 23.7500 164.0000 72.0000 20.2500 245.0000 72.0000 21.0000 340.0000 72.0000 20.5000 451.0000 72.0000 19.7500 558.0000 72.0000 14.2500 Use the H key to set the elevation angle to 2.5 degrees. Use the M and Tab keys to set the following T-match parameters: Rod Diameter: 0.5" Rod Spacing: 4" Rod Length: 24" Lead Length 3" Series Cap 99999 pf Feed Z 200 ohms When constructing this antenna, the actual driven element tip length must be set to 29 inches, the length that corresponds to a modelled impedance of +j20 ohms in YO